Class Details 課程詳情
Date 日期:
June 13
Time 時間:
9:30 am – 10:30 am PDT
Language 語言:
English & 廣東話
Instructor 講師:
Linda Lau, RD, MPH
Important 注意:
Please be on time. The class will close after 10 minutes and you will not be able to join. When you see “The meeting has been locked by host”, it means it’s too late to join the class.
Class Description 課程簡介
Fun exercise class for older adults. Class includes aerobic, strength training, flexibility & balance, to dance and yoga moves.
老年人的娛樂運動班。課程包括有氧運動,力量訓練, 靈活性和平衡性, 舞蹈和瑜伽動作。
Please keep the following safety procedures and tech recommendations in mind before and during the class:
- Have a clear and safe space to move in, and have water nearby.
- Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
- Name or identify your device, computer or iPad, under settings with your full name so that we can let you into class.
- Mute your mic when not speaking.
- Share your camera so the instructor knows how you’re doing (you can turn off your camera if you’d like.
Have fun!
- 在一個可以做運動及安全的空間,請準備飲用水.
- 確保您的網絡連接穩定
- 在電腦,智能手機或平板電腦上設置您的全名,以便我們上課
- 當你不說話的時候請關閉語音
- 共享您電腦或智能手機的相機,以便導師知道您當時狀況(您可以根據需要關閉相機)
Note 重要:
If you don’t have the Zoom application on your smartphone or computer, please go to see the installation instructions