Frequently Asked Questions

How to Add Meals to CHAMPSS Card?


  1. Go to
  2. Click on “ADD MEALS”
  3. Select Quantity
  4. Click “Add to Cart”
  5. Click “View Cart”
  6. Click “Proceed to Checkout”
  7. Enter you billing and CHAMPSS account information
  8. Select Payment Option (Credit card)

* For more detailed step-by-step online add meals instructions, please read or download [Download not found]

In Person

  1. Go to one of the Self Help for Elderly senior centers
  2. Fill out Meal-Adding form (ask center manager)
  3. Information needed: CHAMPSS account number
  4. Payment options: cash/check


  1. 請上
  2. 點擊 “ADD MEALS”
  3. 選擇想增加的餐數
  4. 點擊 “加入購物籃” (Add to Cart)
  5. 點擊 “瀏覽購物籃” (View Cart)
  6. 點擊 “繼續開始付費”(Proceed To Checkout)
  7. 輸入結帳資料CHAMPSS美味營養餐計劃帳戶號碼
  8. 選擇付帳方式 (信用卡/支付寶)

* 有關詳細的逐步教程,請閱讀或下載[Download not found]


  1. 請去到安老自助處其中一個康樂中心
  2. 填寫加餐申請表 (可向中心經理索取)
  3. 需要資料:美味營養餐計劃帳户號碼
  4. 支付方式:現金/支票


  1. Who does CHAMPSS mainly serve?
    Answer:San Francisco residents age 60 or above, and adults with disabilities.
  2. What is the suggested contribution for each meal? What are the maximum meals could be loaded for each customer each time?
    Answer: The suggested contribution for each meal is $5.00. Maximum of 10 meals could be loaded at a time.
  3. Is there any expiration date for CHAMPSS meal balance?
    Answer: Yes. June 30, 2023.
  4. Do you need to pay tips for CHAMPSS meal?
    Answer: Tips are optional.
  5. How can I check my CHAMPSS meal balance? How can you know how many meals left on your CHAMPSS cards and whom to contact?
    Answer: You could always check your meal balance while swiping your card at the restaurant, or go to CHAMPSS website, click on “Meal Balance 餘額” and enter last 8 digits of the CHAMPSS card number, or contact CHAMPSS program staff at 415-677-7601.
  6. Do I need to pay for replacement fee if I lost my CHAMPSS card? Do you need to charge additional fee if you lost your CHAMPSS Cards and ask for replacement?
    Answer: No. However, we suggest you report the lost to our staff as soon as possible and ask for an replacement.
  7. Do the clients need to answer all questions on the intake form?
    Answer: Clients are required to fill in the area indicated With “*”.
  8. How can I deliver my feedback and suggestion regarding CHAMPSS services?
    Answer: We appreciate all your comments and opinions. There are several ways that you can contact us:

    1. Fill out the comment form at the restaurants.
    2. Submit the contact-us form on our website.
    3. For urgent issues, please contact CHAMPSS staff at 415-677-7601
  1. 美味營養餐的主要服務對象是誰?
    : 年齡60或以上的三藩市居民。
  2. 美味營養餐每次每加一餐的建議捐款是多少?每位顧客每次最多可以加多少餐?
    : 每次每餐的建議捐款為$5.00. 每位顧客每次最多可以加至十餐。
  3. 美味營養餐數是否有期限?是什麼時候?
    : 是。 2023年6月30日。
  4. 你是否需要支付小費嗎?
    : 支付小費是自願性的。
  5. 你如何得知自己所剩的餐數?
    : 你可在服務的餐館刷卡時查詢,或到美味營養餐網站,點擊 “Meal Balance 餘額”,輸入美味營養餐卡的最後8位數字,然後按“Submit”,或致電本計劃職員查詢(415)677-7601。
  6. 如果你遺失營養餐卡,該如何補領?補領時是否需要額外的費用?
    : 如遺失營養餐卡,你應儘早通知營養餐計劃的職員,以及作出補領的安排。營養餐卡補領時,顧客不需要支付任何的費用。
  7. 美味營養餐申請表格上的所有問題是否必需要填寫?
    : 申請者必須回答表格上所有“*”的問題。
  8. 你該如何向用餐的餐廳或美味營養的服務提供意見回饋或不滿?
    : 我們歡迎每位顧客對美味營養餐的服務提供寶貴的意見。顧客可以用以下三種方法向我們提供意見回饋:

    1. 填寫在餐廳內的意見表,並投入意見箱。
    2. 填寫在網頁上的聯繫表格。
    3. 如有緊迫的問題,請致電(415)677-7601與營養餐計劃職員聯絡。