Notice 通知

Dear Participants / 親愛的美味營養餐顧客,

Our CHAMPSS program is open to all eligible participants with the opportunity and benefits from a nutritious meal through our partner restaurants. There are economic challenges to the CHAMPSS program which has limited funds and capacity, therefore there is a limit of 5 meals per week that can be added to your card. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Important Notice 通知:

Online Add Meals is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.

If you would like to add meals, it is available in-person (cash or check) at a Self-Help for the Elderly senior center, please call the center coordinator to get the hours before heading to the center. Thank you for your continued support.

網上加餐服務暫時無法使用, 請稍後查詢。如需加餐,請前往安老自助處各中心進行支票或現金加餐。感謝您一直以來的支持。

