
July 29


09:30 am - 11:30 am

Event Details 慈善籌款活動詳情

Date 日期:

July 29 | 7月29日

Time 時間:

9:30 am – 11:30 am PDT

Language 語言 :

Cantonese 粵語


Alex & Eva

Note 注意:

Please be patient and on time, when joining the virtual event you will be placed in a waiting room as volunteer staff verifies the registration tickets of each attendees.

Event Description 慈善籌款活動簡介

Since March 2020, the Nutrition and Senior Centers Department at Self-Help for the Elderly has been providing over 1,000,000 emergency home delivered meals and over 1,000 virtual classes and activities to keep our clients staying healthy and active during the pandemic.
We need your support to sustain our programs. We sincerely invite you to join our Virtual Fundraising Event by contributing $5 for a single ticket. Other amount of donations are welcome!

本處將於2021年7月29日上午9:30至11:30舉辦「慈善愛心 安老同行」網上慈善籌款活動,誠邀各位參與活動,欣賞節目不忘慈善,請及早於此網頁登記或到本處各康樂中心捐款或購票。本活動所得將用於將來活動營運安排,懇請大家鼎力支持與安老同行!

Program 節目

Dance, Singing, Drama, Auction, Raffle Drawing and More
歌唱、舞蹈、輕鬆話劇、物品拍賣、幸運大抽獎 及其他精彩娛樂節目

Ticket 票價:$5

Other Amount of Contributions is welcome!

Important 重要:
You will receive an email with the Meeting ID and Password to join the Virtual Fundraising Event shortly.
登記後,您將收到康樂活動組經理 – Ronald Liu的電子郵件。請使用電子郵件內的鏈接,或會議ID 和密碼(位於電子郵件底部)參加此網上慈善籌款活動。

Note 注意:
